Sunday, May 6, 2007

Being Sisyphus

My thought process often demand answers for insane queries but when asked,
"When did you last feel like a complete idiot?",I was astonished to find that it was on Friday the 4th of May 16:45 pm
and more astonishingly this was precisely the time that i thought that i had done a worthwhile job.Do all the professionals feel the same way? If so .. is it good or bad?Whatever may be the outcome, Sisyphusism has tightened its grip on a pretty good number of people today.
"Futile Work", the most dreaded kind of punishment that can be awarded to any one.
This was obviously the factor considered when sisyphus was condemned by the gods to roll the stone up,to the top of the cliff and then watch it roll down into the unfathomable deeps of the valley when he very badly wanted it to be at the top.
His posture, chin pressed against the coarse surface of the rock, soiled skin and bruised legs.Crinkly face and sweaty body is the characterisation of the effort that he has to take to attain his goal. As he climbs up, he is blinded by his goal,his urge to take the boulder to the top, ofcourse driven by the hope of surmounting the days of toil.He thinks of nothing else thus getting rid of his conscience like a goal oriented machine.
And as soon as he is about to make it, he has to watch his effort disappearing into the darks of the deep in a series of tumblings.He would initially feel very depressed and then maybe he would go blank unable to stand the gravity of the loss.
But what about the Sisyphus descending the cliff to get back to the boulder? Ofcourse he would be feeling like a complete idiot but.....
He is humane now. He is thinking about himself, his work and contemplating on his future.His skin starts to burn, His bruises sting and his feet start to ache.....He regains his conscience. albeit he would loose it summing up his pseudo goal again.
But,next time when you feel like a complete idiot, be proud of the fact that u have preserved a rarified virtue.

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