Thursday, August 2, 2007

Mohana Revered Krishnan

pst pst.. one more school teacher goes absconding after getting involved in
maarder of her student.

Thrashing was an innate part of school life. Iam not talking about the teacher's chums behind the heavy prisms who left their seats only for their shit/pee routines but about the less privileged groundlings of the classroom. This used be the coup de grace of the teachers when it came to punishing . the last resort for that incorrigible soul after a series of magnum torturas like facing the wall, standing on the desk,getting expelled from the class to wait in the corridor (This was stopped after the exclusives teamed up in the corridor and started playing cricket) .

Thrashing tactics varied from using the wooden/steel scale on the palm(the line of applcation varied in angles for the desired effect) to something called "parathi adi" where the teacher would position himself almost in the middle of a group of excited students and swing his cane blindly like a lone warrior in a battle field. which would be followed by scores of hissing sounds and sour butts.

Everyone in the class loathed this physical abuse. Mohanakrishnan too hated it until one fine morning when the whole class started smelling of shit. The guys started accusing each other of answering the nature's call in his knickers. The monitor spoke at the podium and requested the anonymous shitter to leave the class. Not one soul moved.

As the teacher moved in with avid smile which slowly pilfered to make way to a frown as she pointed "What the $#%$#% is that"

Large footprints of pure shit smeared the floor right from the door to her desk.

"Mohanakrishnan's appa was here"..the bully shouted.

Mohanakrishnan, the son who was to pay for his dad's mistake waited impatiently, evidently scared for the risen cane to land on him. One raised leg in a desperate attempt to ward off and Mohanakrishnan was down clinching his balls.

In a frantic attempt to sustain Mohanakrishnan's progeny he was rushed to the only male teacher in the school, the Vice Principal................................................

High School.

The vice principal is caning the defaulters in the school assembly

New Guy : What abominable thing? A mere look from him makes me nervous.
A placid Mohanakrishnan : Who ? that guy.... U know one thing ... he held my balls.

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