Sunday, August 26, 2007


Its Onam holidaze again and iam wasting away the third day of the "four days of inactivity" bestowed upon me by my caring employer.
Having ensured my share of the feast at my Grandmother's place this afternoon the malayali in me is restless to scribble something about the legacy today. Confused about which role to don... Historian, Philosopher , naturalist or a cultural anthropologist.
Historian Deepu would be an oxymoron, iam not even well updated about the history of my family, one reason i hate family functions where i put up a pseudo smile looking bluntly at those strangers who r my supposed to be relatives trying desperately to remind me of the hours i spent with them :)

Accept my apologies dear Mrs.prema,rani,suma (They were my histroy teachers in high school) and any reader who knows more than Onam, CPI and karunakaran about kerala.

This secluded land of greenery protected by the western ghats in the east and the arabian sea on the west, formed from the silt brought down from the ghats by west flowing rivers.
Boasts of culture of its own entirely uninfluenced by any others in the country, the abode of black gold and spices, which found its mention in writings of al beruni and the chinese during the aryanization. Maybe the first kingdom in the country to practice foreign trade and fully flourishing sea ports
divided into venad, konad, kolathunad and thiruvithamkode and ambiguously named after CHERANAD or the KERAVRIKSHAM , fed by the south west monsoon which brings with it the festival of flowers every year for morons like me to sit at home and blog nonsense.

I love my state :)

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